My babies sang in a concert today and they did so good. I attempted to take video with my cell phone and the sound didn't really turn out all that well... oh well. It's still cute to watch the actions of them throughout the video!
What a wonderful day this was! We photographed cousin Beth's wedding! Here are just a few pictures (okay, a lot, but not in comparison to the gallery!!!!) Both kids were in the wedding too! They were so adorable!
I used Logan's camera to take a video of the whole class dancing on stage. It's not the best video, but it gives you the gist of things. Makayla's the one right in the middle of the video... hard to see with this tiny camera we used! But still too cute!!!
Would you believe my baby girl lost her first tooth last night! Oh she is just so dang cute!!!! Both bottom teeth were loose and she was eating strawberries last night when she realized her tooth was missing. Yup, she swallowed her tooth. Ewww.... but the tooth fairy came last night and she's so excited. I have a feeling the other tooth will be out before the night is over.
Guess having time off from work inspired Mike to buy us some paint for our family room! We painted yesterday and got it all completed! It's a little darker than we expected, but it looks really good!
I have two beautiful children, Logan and Makayla. They are the best babies ever!!!
I'm officially a digital scrapbook designer as well.
Designing for: iScrapbook and My Memories